
Welcome to Stamford High's National Art Honors Society Website where you can learn all that is new,volunteering hours, projects and our schedule. Enjoy! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bakesale Next Week

Hey everyone! I know its been a while since we last met but there are some things to attend to.  First we have a bakesale next week on wendsday.  Many of you may know Wendnesday is a half day so we will be selling baked goods the WHOLE DAY this means lots of money.  So everyone bake or bring in, the more the merrier.  Halloween's bakesale was a success now lets go for round two.
Also Cuasano needs help putting 50 notebooks together for an presentation he is doing. Please help him while also earning some hours of volunteering.  For more details either talk to Cuasano or email me back for the times.

Hope everything is going well!